About Our Classes
Our classes are designed to teach you how to teach your dog to be a well-behaved family member and courteous canine citizen in a fun, instructional group setting. We welcome handlers of all ages and physical abilities provided they can control their own dog and participate in group exercises. Our classes are structured to teach you to teach your dog basic obedience commands along with good manners in social settings.
Our class size is limited and many classes will have two instructors for the best possible experience for you and your dog. We offer a wide variety of classes to suit the needs of area dog owners. Obedience classes range from puppy kindergarten to household and competition levels. Classes are also available for other activities such as preparing for the Canine Good Citizenship (CGC) test, conformation handling, rally, agility and more.
Class Sessions
Classes are scheduled in sessions. There are 5 sessions per year. Each session is 7 weeks long, with approximately a two week break between sessions. Registration opens for each session approximately 1-2 weeks prior to the start of the session and closes at least 3 days prior to the start of the session.
In 2024 the approximate sessions dates are as follows (subject to change):
Session 1 - Early January to late February
Session 2 - Early March to end of April
Session 3 - Early May to late June
Session 4 - Early July to mid September
Session 5 - Late September to mid November
Most classes are held at our training building located at 1901 Silverada Blvd, Unit #6, Reno, NV 89512. (It is behind the SAK’N SAVE Grocery Store in North Reno Plaza.) Classes are held throughout the week at various times to try and accommodate the different scheduling needs of our students. All classes are seven weeks long unless otherwise noted. Discounts are available for senior citizens and rescued dogs. Experienced club members teach and assist with classes on a volunteer basis.
Dog Potty Zone
The dog potty zone is on the North end of the parking lot and consists of gravel covered island with a tree. PLEASE PICK UP AFTER YOUR DOG!
Bring your shot records with you. Complete requirements are listed here.
What to Bring to Class
REMEMBER: Puppy & Beginner Obedience (First Class Only) Do not bring your dog to the first class, Orientation only.
A copy of your dog’s vaccination records.
Proof of payment for the class.
A well- fitting collar such as a buckle, flat, slip, or martingale. No harnesses allowed; a 6-foot leash (leather and cotton are best). NO Flexi-leads, please!
Soft, yummy treats, not kibble (for your dog) – examples are chicken, cheese, hot dogs, all cut up in tiny, tiny morsels. Bring at least three times as much as you think you will need.
A toy or two (NO SQUEAKERS PLEASE) such as a tug toy with which you can interact with your puppy.
A toy your puppy can chew on when you’re concentrating on what the instructor is saying.
Water for your dog during class, including a bowl to serve it.
A bag to carry it all.
Please do not feed your dog before class unless it is a tiny, toy breed. Toy breeds can be fed 1/4 – 1/3 of their normal rations. A hungry dog is easier to train.
Closed Classes
We limit the size of our classes to provide the best possible class experience for handlers and their dogs. If you are interested in one of our classes, please sign up as soon as possible as our classes frequently fill early. You will receive an emailed invoice when you have successfully completed registration.

Our instructors are all very experienced in their chosen venue and they all volunteer their time to make learning fun and exciting for you and your dog. Please read the class descriptions and the instructor biographies before choosing your class. Whichever class you choose you will have the opportunity to learn something new.
Cancellations BEFORE the close of registration will be subjected to a $30 clerical/processing fee and the remaining balance will be refunded.
There is a no refund policy AFTER registration has closed. We do not maintain a waiting list so we cannot fill the spot once registration has closed.
Bitches in heat will receive a pro-rated refund of the remaining classes. A veterinarian statement is required.
Dogs excused from class by the instructor will receive a pro-rated refund of the remaining classes.
Exceptions to this policy are at the discretion of the Training Director and are made on a case by case basis.
Frequently asked questions:
The class has started but I don’t like it. Can I get a refund?
No. In order to maintain our very reasonable tuition, we ask that you carefully read the course description before you enroll. Instructors can be contacted if you have any unanswered questions about the class.
I picked one class but want to switch to another. Is that possible?
Yes, BEFORE registration closes AND if there is an opening available in the other class.
Service and Therapy Dogs
Our classes will provide future therapy and service dogs with a basic obedience foundation upon which to build the skills required to become a service dog or Certified Therapy Dog. Our club offers American Kennel Club Canine Good Citizen testing and Therapy Dog testing several times each year. Our classes are appropriate for training the future service dog. Our classes cannot teach the individual specialized skills needed for a service dog.
Spectators and Family Members
Family members, roommates, co-owners, and others who have a vested interest in the training of your dog are welcome to observe the class. However, unattended children are not allowed. The building is not child friendly (strong cleaning chemicals in accessible places, many common household hazards that have not been childproofed, etc.). If you must bring children you need to bring another responsible adult who can supervise them during your class time. Children who cause a disruption to the classes will be asked to leave.
Aggressive Dogs
Our classes are not appropriate for dogs who are aggressive to other dogs or people. Aggressive dogs and/or handlers who cannot physically control their dogs will be excused from class for the safety of all dogs and handlers in the class. We can recommend several private trainers who can work with these dogs and handlers in a safe, one-on-one environment.
Bitches in Heat
Bitches in heat are not allowed in our Beginner 101, 102, or STAR Puppy classes.
Please discuss with your instructor/our training director. Bitches in heat are accepted in advanced classes at the discretion of the instructor. Must at minimum wear pants.