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2025 Session 1 - Jan 5th–Feb 22nd

  • Only on-line registrations pre-paid by credit/debit card will be allowed. No checks or cash will be accepted. (On-line registration does not apply to drop-in conformation classes.)

  • NOTE:  All classes are 7 weeks long and each class is one hour.

  • Participants must provide proof of dog's vaccinations/titers at first class. DO NOT email shot records.

  • Dogs in HEAT are NEVER allowed in the Star Puppy or Beginners 101 or 102 classes. Dogs in HEAT with appropriate panties and with prior instructor approval MAY be allowed in advanced classes. Call your instructor to confirm before bringing dog to class. 

  • Members Registration Opens 12/14

  • Public Registration Opens 12/21

  • Online Registration CLOSES 12/28. All registration transaction must be complete by the close of registration.


(for puppies 10 weeks to no more than 6 months at completion of class)   Do not bring dogs to first class.  Puppies must have proof of 2 Distemper/Parvo-virus vaccines.

(for puppies over 6 months to under 12 months at completion of class) Do not bring dogs to first class.  Puppies must have proof of 2 Distemper/Parvo-virus vaccines and Rabies

(for puppies 10 weeks to under 12 months at completion of class)   Do not bring dogs to first class.  Puppies must have proof of 2 Distemper/Parvo-virus vaccines. Puppies over 6 months must have proof of Rabies.

For dogs 6 months and older, or who have completed S.T.A.R. Puppy

The first class is Orientation, do not bring your dog to the first class. This class may be repeated any number of times to proof all basic obedience commands with class distractions.  Dogs in this class may progress to off-leash work if appropriate.

Prerequisite Beginners Obedience 101

(Prerequisite Beginner Obedience 102 – Dogs must have a reliable stay command)  This class is for dogs getting ready to trial in AKC obedience trials. Dogs have already learned all basic obedience commands on and off leash and are practicing ring behaviors and distraction training.

Graduate Novice Obedience

(Prerequisite Advanced Beginner Obedience)

Graduate Open/Utility Obedience

(Prerequisite: Dogs must already have at least two legs in Open, or Instructor's approval)

Rally Novice

(Prerequisite Beginner Obedience 101) For Dogs working on Rally Novice title

Rally Intermediate/Advanced

(Prerequisite Rally Novice)

Rally Excellent/Master

(Prerequisite Rally Advanced)

Rally Excellent

(Prerequisite Rally Advanced)

Rally Master

(Prerequisite Rally Excellent)

Rally Techniques

(Prerequisite Rally Novice)


(Prerequisite Beginners Obedience 101 and able to work around other dogs off leash without incident)

Tricks 101

(Prerequisite - Dogs must be able to safely work  around other dogs or instructor's approval.)

Tricks 102 -  Tricks and Freestyle with Props

(Prerequisite - One of the following- Intermediate tricks, Rally Novice or Above, Obedience 102 or Above or Certified Therapy Dog.) 


(Prerequisite - dogs must be able to safely work off leash around other dogs)

Learn to Shape

(Prerequisite - Beginners Obedience 101 and ability to work off leash around other dogs)

Agility 101

(Prerequisite Fun-dations or Instructor Approval) Focus: Jumps, Weaves, Tunnels

Agility 102

(Prerequisite Fun-dations or Instructor Approval) Focus: Contact equipment

Agility 201

(Prerequisite Agility 101 and 102, or Instructor Approval)

Agility 301/401

(Prerequisite Instructor Approval and Agility 201)

Agility 401

(This class is by instructor invitation only.)

Scent Work 101

Introduction to Scent Work

​The first class is Orientation, do not bring your dog to the first class.

Scent Work 102

(Prerequisite Scent Work 101 or Instructor Approval)

Scent Work 103

(Prerequisite Scent Work 102 or Instructor Approval) Bridgework to competitive scentwork

Scent Work 201

(Scent Work 103 and instructor approval from Bill Long). First class will meet at club, subsequent classes will meet at a variety of public venues.  The 4:00 time may vary depending on the weather or heat conditions.  Participants must be actively competing in AKC Nose work.  Students must have website access code from Carrie Fry to be able to register.  Carrie Fry's email is

Conformation 101

Drop in only - first come, first served, $15 per class - must show proof of vaccines/titers

Advanced Conformation

7 wk class, NO DROP INS. Instructor approval required to attend.

Open-Utility Competition Obedience

(Class size is limited due to higher levels of obedience and class format.) By invitation only.  Questions? Email Shari at

Graduate Open-Utility Competition Obedience

 (Class size is limited due to higher levels of obedience and class format.)  By invitation only.   Registration on-line requires password.  Questions?  Contact  Terry Popish at

Therapy Dog Classes

Prerequisite: Dogs must demonstrate reliable obedience skills or instructor approval.  Students must meet for the orientation class on 1/8 at 6:00 PM  Remaining classes will meet on Wednesdays at 6:00, places TBD.  Lead instructor will inform students of class locations.

Specialty - Attention & The  3-D'S - Distance/Duration/Distraction

Prerequisite Beginners 101 and Beginners 102, Dogs must have minimum of a one minute sit and down stay at 6 feet, and be over 1 year of age.

Fit Dog 101

Prerequisite - Beginners 101, must be able to work off leash around other dogs and solid 1 minute stay

Fit Dog 102

Prerequisite - FitDog 101, must be able to work off leash around other dogs and solid 1 minute stay

Fit Dog 103

Prerequisite - FitDog 101 and 102, must be able to work off leash around other dogs and solid 1 minute stay

Veterans K-9 Corps

For military veterans & their families. Call Kat Miller at 253-988-7304 for eligibility & instructions to register.  Do not bring dogs to the first class.

CGC Testing - Therapy Dog Testing

Please check the CGC Testing Events Page for more details.

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