Competition Obedience Class Descriptions
Advanced Beginner Obedience
This advanced class is for dogs and handlers who have completed one or more Beginners Obedience classes and are preparing for or currently showing in AKC Competition Obedience Beginner’s Novice (BN) and/or Novice Obedience (CD) competitions. Dogs entering this class should already be heeling on-leash and have reliable sit/down/stay/stand/recalls/finish on leash with little to no correction needed. Teams in this class will learn basic ring etiquette, alternate finishes, transition to off-leash work and perfecting both on and off-leash heeling, figure 8s and stays. Dogs will learn distance off-leash recalls with proper sit and finish.
Graduate Novice Obedience
This class is for dogs that have successfully completed AKC Beginner Novice and/or Novice classes and are ready to begin learning skills needed for Graduate Novice and/or Open Obedience including retrieve on flat, high jump, broad jump and drop on recall. It is also appropriate for dogs competing in AKC Graduate Novice and/or Open trials. This class will introduce taking, holding and retrieving a dumbbell and introduce both the broad and high jumps as well as fine tuning on and off-leash heeling. It will also introduce the drop on recall exercise and the sit/down stay-get your leash exercise. The class also covers motivating your dog, play training, and problem-solving training issues.

About Competition Obedience
Think your dog is an A+ student? Are your friends and family jealous with how well you’ve trained your dog? Then you might want to take things to a new level by participating in Obedience competitions (also called “trials”).
Developed in the 1930s, Obedience is one of the AKC’s oldest sporting events. From walking on- and off-leash to retrieving and jumping, or demonstrating your dog’s ability to stay, Obedience trials feature dogs that are well-behaved at home, in public places, and in the presence of other dogs. It is essential that the obedience dog demonstrates willingness and enjoyment while it is working with the handler.
Whether or not you want to compete, every dog owner should consider some form of obedience training. It’s the best way to establish good communication skills between you and your dog – and to make sure that your dog is the most well-behaved one in your neighborhood!